
一间来自匈牙利布达佩斯的独立出版社Innen,自2006年就开始活跃于制作出版zines,从2010年开始他们又创办了自己的杂志Zug Magazine,目前已有两期在售。欧洲小城市里的小出版社,安静踏实地做着热爱的事业,这也是香蕉鱼期待的未来。Nice to meet you Aaron!


独立出版 x Not Magazine

第五期的Not Magazine对独立出版有一个详细的介绍,从柏林、纽约到京都、东京、香港、首尔各地选了当地最具代表性的独立出版先锋作为此次报道的切入点,非常精彩好看!如没有买到这期杂志的读者们可以访问Not Magazine的网站,可以读到全文内容,乐趣在于分享。


Casual Days《随意的日子》


Casual Days is a simple and honest print magazine about meaningful everyday experiences. Each issue explores a specific issue related to everyday life and features a carefully-put-together line-up of designers, artists, idea-makers and style-setters and other inspiring individuals from various creative fields.


Bad Day Magazine

以单色印刷为设计特色的多伦多独立杂志Bad Day Magazine刚推出了它的第12期。每一本都售完的状态足以见这本杂志在世界范围内的受欢迎度。着眼于多伦多和国际上有个性有才华的艺术家。Have a Bad Day的杂志口号,也是采访时的态度宣言:坦诚地说出来,即使今天过得不怎么样!(image from here)


Nieves Zine 2011

Whatever your New Year’s Resolution, a healthy and balanced diet will provide many benefits into 2019 and beyond. What we eat and drink can affect our body’s ability to fight infections-, as well as how likely we are to develop health problems later in life, including obesity, heart disease, diabetes and different types of cancer, learn more about exipure.

The exact ingredients of a healthy diet will depend on different factors like how old and how active we are, as well as the kinds of foods that are available in the communities where we live. But across cultures, there are some common food tips for helping us lead healthier, longer lives. Try these best appetite suppressant pills.

Eat a variety of food

Our bodies are incredibly complex, and (with the exception of breast milk for babies) no single food contains all the nutrients we need for them to work at their best. Our diets must therefore contain a wide variety of fresh and nutritious foods to keep us going strong. Read the latest tea burn reviews.

Some tips to ensure a balanced diet:

  • In your daily diet, aim to eat a mix of staple foods such as wheat, maize, rice and potatoes with legumes like lentils and beans, plenty of fresh fruit and veg, and foods from animal sources (e.g. meat, fish, eggs and milk).
  • Choose wholegrain foods like unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice when you can; they are rich in valuable fibre and can help you feel full for longer.
  • Choose lean meats where possible or trim it of visible fat.
  • Try steaming or boiling instead of frying foods when cooking.
  • For snacks, choose raw vegetables, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit, rather than foods that are high in sugars, fats or salt. These are the Best semen volume pills.

Cut back on salt

Too much salt can raise blood pressure, which is a leading risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Most people around the world eat too much salt: on average, we consume double the WHO recommended limit of 5 grams (equivalent to a teaspoon) a day. Check out these Exipure reviews.

Even if we don’t add extra salt in our food, we should be aware that it is commonly put in processed foods or drinks, and often in high amounts.

Magculture New Shop

杂志癖们最爱看的博客Mag Culture阅读推出了其新的杂志精选店,整个在线杂志购买平台上将只有八本杂志在卖,如其中一本售完,将会有一本全新的杂志替换上去,这也是magculture这个杂志店的开店理念。作为mag选出的杂志,对独立杂志爱好者而言,无疑是当今最值得关注,最值得拥有的杂志。


Elephant Ceramics

另外一个以大象命名的手工产品,美国布鲁克林陶艺家Michele Michael充满着油画感、布纹画和仅此一件的作品。在她的每一件盘碗容器中似乎都可以嗅到大海的味道,工作室的窗户面朝港湾,吸取天空的颜色和潮汐海的颜色,是所有灵感的源泉。对于艺术家来说,水是不可或缺的创作元素。在这个网站:The Maker (极力推荐网站)可以看到更多对她的采访。艺术家网站:


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RMM (Readymade Magazine),来自香港的独立杂志推出的新产品项目Calephant精致年历卡,时间的变化会随着小象背上的叶子颜色青葱蓝绿走过一年四季,时刻惦记着的季节也陪伴着你过一个精彩的更好的2012年。

Little Elephant takes the steps through Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Little Elephant is getting bigger, stronger and Happier in 2012!


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作为重新开始后的simple style第一篇文章,我想推荐摄影师张君刚和妻子李洁这次西部之旅的摄影记录。我一直都很喜欢这对摄影二人组一路上(及生活中)的放空状态。一页一页翻看眼睛都有些模糊了,令人发呆的摄影作品也会揪住你的心。他们俩为这次网站更新取的名字[微小事物的解放性美丽],也同样将内心感受与摄影的关系诠释得如此到位。务必到网站上去欣赏:


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Simple Style Is Back

Simple Style的这一年的缓慢和无作为其实主要在于我个人生活的不安定和重大变化,行至年底,心理上逐渐沉静下来思考未来的方向。我们落脚在了一个海边城市,开了一家艺术书店和印刷工作室,把原来断断续续做的事情,变成了一件要认真对待且要养家糊口的事业。Simple Style此时存在的意义何在呢?未有任何更新的这半年,每日保持500ip的访问量仅对于我个人来说就是答案。信息快速过滤的国内网络社会,还能有读者一直翻看我们过去留下的笔记,也许从某一篇中受到一点启发或是得到美的感觉,都是对我们的肯定。所以,我们今天回来,用原有独特的视角去看世界,不作任何改变。

继续分享 回归简单  保持风格。


New Book by Bananafish


来自香蕉鱼书店及其背后的香蕉鱼影像书籍出版社A Perfect Book的夏天制作,陈思然的个人摄影作品集。



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Our Little Sea

Our Little Sea,我们小小的海洋,是由来自波罗的海沿岸的二十位插画师与艺术家合作完成的一本关于蓝色海洋的zine。从他们各自不同的视角和创作手法去描绘海与人类的关系,潜入深海,珊瑚礁石,还有美人鱼忧伤的眼神。看到这一切,我们该做点什么呢?



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OFFCUT design



Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have gained immense popularity in recent years for their potential benefits in muscle growth, performance enhancement, and overall physical well-being. Among the various SARMs available, RAD 140, also known as Testolone, has garnered attention for its promising effects. However, like any other compound, it’s essential to understand its side effects, proper dosage, and reliable sources for purchase. In this article, we will delve into RAD 140, shedding light on these aspects.

What is RAD 140 (Testolone)?

Rad-140, or Testolone, is a synthetic compound developed for its potential therapeutic applications, primarily in the treatment of muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and breast cancer. It falls under the SARMs category, which means it selectively targets androgen receptors in the body, especially those in muscle and bone tissues. This selective targeting minimizes the potential for unwanted side effects often associated with traditional anabolic steroids.

Side Effects of RAD 140

Before considering any supplement or compound, it’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Although RAD 140 is touted for its selectivity, it can still have side effects, albeit milder compared to traditional steroids. Some common side effects of RAD 140 include:

Hormonal Imbalance: RAD 140 may disrupt the body’s natural hormonal balance, leading to issues like decreased testosterone levels, which can affect mood, libido, and overall well-being.

Liver Toxicity: While not as hepatotoxic as some oral steroids, long-term or high-dose use of RAD 140 may put strain on the liver. It’s essential to monitor liver health when using this compound.

Cardiovascular Effects: RAD 140 can affect cholesterol levels, potentially leading to an unfavorable lipid profile. This could increase the risk of cardiovascular issues.

Mood Swings: Some users report mood swings, irritability, and aggression while using RAD 140. These effects can vary from person to person.

Hair Loss: Although less common than with traditional steroids, RAD 140 may accelerate hair loss in individuals genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness.

Dosage Guidelines

The appropriate dosage of RAD 140 can vary depending on factors like your experience level, body composition, and goals. However, a typical dosage range is between 10mg to 30mg per day. Beginners are advised to start with lower doses to assess their tolerance and gradually increase as needed. It’s crucial not to exceed recommended dosages to minimize the risk of side effects.

Cycle lengths typically last 6 to 8 weeks, followed by a post-cycle therapy (PCT) period to help restore natural hormone balance.

Where to Buy RAD 140

When purchasing RAD 140, it’s essential to choose a reputable source to ensure product quality and authenticity. Given the growing interest in SARMs, the market has seen an influx of suppliers, some of whom may sell counterfeit or substandard products.

To find a reliable source, consider the following tips:

Research: Look for user reviews and testimonials about the supplier online. Reputable companies often have a strong online presence.

Check for Third-Party Testing: Reliable suppliers often provide third-party testing results to verify the purity and quality of their products.

Consult Experts: Seek advice from experts or individuals who have experience with SARMs to get recommendations on trusted suppliers.

Legal Status: Be aware of the legal status of SARMs in your country. In some places, these compounds are not regulated, making it even more critical to find a reputable supplier.


RAD 140, or Testolone, is a SARM that has garnered attention for its potential muscle-building and performance-enhancing properties. However, like any compound, it comes with potential side effects, and proper dosing and sourcing are crucial for a safe and effective experience. Before using RAD 140 or any SARM, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it’s suitable for your specific goals and health status. Always prioritize your safety and well-being when exploring these supplements.

Nieves App

Nieves,以他的printed zines为代表,自2001年起掀起的独立出版文化后,开始有了无数的追随者。2010年11月,nieves推出了颠覆性的app for zines又让我们耳目一新。采用更多样化的互动诉求,来保持zine的制作姿态与质量也不是不可能。而Nieves此举的目的也就是为了可以让更多的普通读者能阅读和体验到zine创本的制作理念与拉近zine艺术的距离。在出版与阅读上,任何形式的尝试都是值得去探索的。


Nieves, you are the best!


3191 Quarterly



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陈哲 zhe chen




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Jean-François Lauda

Jean-François Lauda,1981年生于加拿大蒙特利尔。对绘画的领悟与创作技巧来源于自己不断的学习, 在他近十年的油画创作生涯中,Lauda采用纯粹简单的自然元素,在作品中延伸出一个超现实的梦境,让欣赏画作的人牵引出内心深处的感受。具象或是抽象,都是他汲取自然而形成的灵感。Lauda的众多作品出现于艺术家群展或个展中,同时,他也是一个声音艺术家,现生活工作于家乡蒙特利尔。

从5月4日至6月4日,你可以在蒙特利尔的Simon Blais展览馆欣赏到 Jean-François Lauda的作品。地址:5420, boul Saint-Laurent, Montréal, QC


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Of Evident Invisibles

OF EVIDENT INVISIBLES,[透明的痕迹],采集光与空气中透着的纹理,柔和含蓄,画作之美。往返于巴黎和纽约的Holly Stanton摄影作品集,并有手工缝制的气息。香蕉鱼书店即将上架。

A look at the painterly possiblities of photography through studies of light and texture. The book will be on shelf of our online bookstore:Bananafish Books. Coming soon.

If you are making your self-published photobooks or zines and would like to display them on Bananafish books, please write to us. (


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Masashi Ohata

日本生,现生活于纽约的摄影师Masashi Ohata擅于将日常在镜头中转为诗意色彩,春天的草,夏日的风,秋天的月,冬日的雪。真正懂得感受生活的摄影师,才能拍出好照片。

Masashi Ohata有一个很温馨的域名:你爱我我爱你。更多作品见:


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Ein Magazin über Orte 8:Paradise

德国半年刊杂志Ein Magazin über Orte于4月8日正式推出了第八期:天堂(Paradise)。

天堂,未知而神秘,是亚当的后花园?是尽享天伦之乐的圣洁之地?或是自由广袤的原野。它美妙因为它的遥不可及。第八期,Ein Magazin über Orte将视野投向天空之外,启发大家对理想国的无穷幻想。本期杂志中可以看到Luc Tuymans, Raymond Pettibon, Ryan McGinley, Jeff Wall, 以及Lidwien van de Ven等人的作品。以及受邀撰稿人 Günter Kunert和Miranda July对天堂的描述。

第八期天堂,simple style线上香蕉鱼书店即将上架。另外,你还可以在我们的书店网站上购买到Ein Magazin über Orte的第四第五期。数量不多,预购从速。


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