Masashi Ohata
日本生,现生活于纽约的摄影师Masashi Ohata擅于将日常在镜头中转为诗意色彩,春天的草,夏日的风,秋天的月,冬日的雪。真正懂得感受生活的摄影师,才能拍出好照片。
Masashi Ohata有一个很温馨的域名:你爱我我爱你。更多作品见:
日本生,现生活于纽约的摄影师Masashi Ohata擅于将日常在镜头中转为诗意色彩,春天的草,夏日的风,秋天的月,冬日的雪。真正懂得感受生活的摄影师,才能拍出好照片。
Masashi Ohata有一个很温馨的域名:你爱我我爱你。更多作品见:
Ann Woo的作品大多是从自然中汲取灵感而拍下。在访谈中谈到自己是一个做事缓慢的人,那些长久令她注视的景色才会移至镜头中来。摄影是拍下瞬间,摄影也是记录永恒。
Ann生于长于香港,毕业于香港理工大学,之后到纽约学习摄影。作品常见于各类群展中,也经常受邀参与独立杂志的制作,如layflat, JSBJ. 更多经典作品见个人网站:
摄影师Laurie Simmons喜欢将人偶静物拟人化,营造故事场景,作品里有着怀旧、唯美的色彩。最新作品“THE LOVE DOLL(爱情人偶)”将充气娃娃置于真实生活场景中扮演着多种角色,栩栩如生的人偶仿佛带着人的感情存在着,让人真实感觉到那份寂寞、空洞感。
Mary Ellen Bartley是我见过的最为特别的摄影师,她能将书籍的美展现得如此令人惊叹。Blue Books是她最著名的一个主题摄影系列。精装书如深沉大海般的蓝,平装书边缘清淡温暖的色系,书页间零碎丰富的色块。创造出自己的摄影风格,无论这种美出自何处,都是想象力和目光犀利的巧妙融合。
摄影作品选自伦敦摄影师Andy Sewell的“The Heath”系列,记录着伦敦周边郊野乡村的美丽与宁静,弯曲的小路、茂密的丛林……自然芬芳气息迎面而来。
网站BOOOOOOOM 在2010年末做了这个“75 photos by 75 photographers” 精彩合集,选录75名摄影师75张摄影作品,很多谢BOOOOOOOM编辑用心为我们带来的摄影盛餐。题图作品的摄影师是Mou Hoo,simple style 的第一位特邀专栏人物。
RYAN KENNY,91年出生的澳大利亚摄影师,又是一个非常有天份的小伙子。他和许多年轻摄影师一样,通过身边的一些事物来获取灵感,电影、音乐等;也通过不停观察捕捉身边人、物的情景来进行摄影创作尝试,而这样的过程会让他感到兴奋不已。via
Jeff Seltzer 居住在洛杉矶,曾就读圣地亚哥州立大学,获得修辞学硕士学位。他的摄影作品以城市静物景观为主,以下作品选自Harmony (和谐) 系列。和谐、秩序的城市环境能给人带来安静舒适的精神慰藉,但这些不是必然存在的,通过摄影来寻找和恢复一种和谐感。
“生活宛如电影”,我们很多时候都会这样感叹,生活中的情景就如电影里面的一幕幕。纽约艺术家、摄影师d.yee进行的一个长期摄影项目“life as cinema”,就是在旅途中将许多人物事通过自己的观察捕捉和人为布景,拍摄一些充满情感的照片。在这些作品里,许多情绪、场景都处理得如电影般唯美动人,让我们相信电影里的故事一直就在身边。 大家除了可以通过下面网址看到这系列里的部分作品,还可以关注浏览d.yee的博客更新。
展现在你们眼前的是完美的“苹果”产品吗?还是一堆工业垃圾?艺术家Michael Tompert 和 摄影师 Paul Fairchild 合作的一个艺术摄影项目,将受全球追捧的iPhone、iPad、iPod、Macbook等Apple产品毫不留情地摧毁,并把这些“残片”记录下来,让观者与这些给日常生活带来美好体验的产品联系起来,产生了强烈矛盾的混合感觉。艺术家想通过这些作品让陶醉在科技产品体验下的人们自省,是否在不自觉间变成了“物质奴”。
一起欣赏这组优秀的时尚摄影作品,是居住在上海的法国摄影师matthieu belin为ifa fashion school拍的一组新作品。更多精彩的作品请访问摄影师新上线的网站。
Nicholas Hance McElroy 的作品让人停下来,去细心观察一些自然环境,体会关于人类与自然的微妙关系。这些风景照片好像都在讲述着一些故事,让人产生共鸣、思考。
Bjarne Bare,1984年出生于波兰波兹南,现生活工作于奥斯陆。他曾在奥斯陆摄影艺术学院学习摄影,现有着摄影师和策展人双重身份。
德国摄影师Amira Fritz似乎对花朵有着特殊的情结,在不少作品里都选了花朵做创作题材。“Alle von Denen” 这组通过花朵来代替表达人的面部情感,服装与花朵还有背景环境的搭配很用心,真的非常美好! via
Simple Style非常关注的中国年轻摄影师@编号223刚更新了他于7月进行的斯里兰卡之旅的照片。
Famous Chinese photographer finger223 just updated his blog with a bunch of photos on a trip to SriLanka, check it out here:
So-called wellness vapes are growing in popularity. Unlike regular vapes (e-cigarettes) that contain nicotine, these products contain vitamins, hormones or essential oils. But they have caught the attention of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because of the unproven health claims made by many of the companies that sell them.
Wellness vapes – also known as “nutritional supplement diffusers” – cover a range of products that find a common origin in e-cigarettes. E-cigarettes deliver nicotine to the lungs without the need for combustion or tobacco. This removes some harmful components, such as tobacco tar. Instead of combustion, e-cigarettes use energy from a battery to heat e-liquid, which forms a vapour that can be inhaled.
A new wave of products aims to use this same inhaled delivery system for a wide range of non-nicotine products, including vitamins (B12 and C are particularly popular), milk thistle, melatonin (a hormone), green tea and a variety of essential oils. Wellness vape companies make claims that different combinations of these additives can help you focus better, promote sleep and even help you lose weight.
Inhaling rather than swallowing these compounds results in faster absorption into the bloodstream, so, theoretically, the vitamins and supplements could act faster when inhaled.
Many of these additives will be individually familiar as supplements that are rated as safe for ingestion. But the vast majority lack inhalation safety testing, particularly of potential long-term harms. Because wellness vapes don’t contain nicotine, they evade the regulators.
The incidence of e-cigarette-related acute lung injury (Evali) in the US in 2019 highlights the importance of testing the route of intake. In the 60 deaths from Evali initially reported, vitamin E acetate was identified as a key agent that caused lung damage in these people. Vitamin E is a common food additive, so this clearly highlights how even well-known substances can have very serious health consequences when inhaled.
These devices are quite new to the market, so there is little research on their safety. However, we can consider the specific components to look for potential effects, whether beneficial or harmful. Get the best deals at vaprzon.
Many benign or beneficial compounds can become harmful if given in an untested way or given to the wrong patient group. For example, the benefits of vitamin C are universally known, yet the use of high-dose vitamin C has been shown to increase the risk of death in people with sepsis.
Vitamin B12 is also a popular additive for these devices. In people who are deficient in the vitamin, a B12 injection is very effective in restoring levels. Yet there is a distinct lack of supporting evidence for any benefits to people with normal B12 levels. Also, we lack evidence on the safety or effectiveness of inhaled B12.
One study carried out in 1967 showed no benefit to inhaling vitamin B12 over supplementation by injection. But even in 1967, the researchers were careful to point out the potential for lung damage.
We can also look at information from shared components with e-cigarettes to look for potential effects. Some products deliver vitamin B12 dissolved in a common e-liquid component, vegetable glycerine. Other products use propylene glycol or a mixture of both liquids. When heated, these components break down into harmful chemicals, termed reactive carbonyl species, such as formaldehyde.
These chemicals have been shown to harm alveolar macrophages, important immune cells in the lung, in a way not dependent on the presence of nicotine. Similar findings have also been shown in other important airway and immune cells.
Wellness vapes delivering essential oils may also suffer from the same concerns. They contain compounds called terpenes and a mixture of other chemicals similar to e-liquids.
Terpenes have been reported to have a range of benefits including anticancer, antiallergy and antimicrobial properties, suggesting the potential benefits of taking these essential oils. However, terpenes are degraded by heat so may be broken down by vaping into harmful compounds that can irritate the airways and may be toxic to cells at higher doses and longer exposure.
Given the similarities between e-cigarettes and wellness vapes, these companies are now facing increased scrutiny from public health bodies. The FDA has warned that wellness vapes are “unsafe”, “ineffective” and “unproven”.
We must carefully weigh the benefits and risks of use. Many of the supplements in these devices may help improve our lifestyles, but there is no evidence to support the benefits of inhalation over traditional methods of delivery.
While wellness vapes have not been around long enough for researchers to know for certain the long-term consequences of their use. We know that short-term exposure to their components can harm the lungs, so prolonged use may pose a very serious risk – one that tips the scales of evidence firmly against the use of “wellness vapes”.
从9月4日到11月2日,德国科隆Galerie Priska Pasquer展览馆正在展出川内伦子最新摄影系列A Glimmer in Silence,一如既往的伦子摄影风格,塑料袋里的金鱼,雨滴,泡沫和反光的镜子,从微小的事物和静止的画面中体现着日本摄影的忧郁美和对生、死、轮回话题的永恒追随。via: designboom