Designer on the Road:设计师出走计划

caca-01当on the road成为备受争议的新新潮流,出走的动机与在路上的感怀似乎都不再重要。

Cagri Cankaya,这位土耳其插画师、平面设计师决定把自己扔到世界各个城市,不同于任何休学辞职去旅行或破斧沉舟卖家产的背包客,CaCa这项名为Designer on the Road的项目用设计技能换取出走基金,看来掌握一门高超的技能是出走的必要前提 :D





caca-06每到一个城市,CaCa都会加入当地的设计事务所、广告公司,为其工作2-5周,按当地薪资标准领取相应报酬。不查阅任何旅行指南、不带任何先入之见,以全然开放的心态融入当地生活。 颠覆性的工作与生活方式使CaCa每到一个城市都会成为焦点人物,不少组织、学校、公益机构邀请CaCa前去演讲,分享一路上的见闻与故事,其中也包括TEDxAlsancak (土耳其一城市).



As “on the road” has turned into a controversial new trend, it seems the motivation of travel and the emotion on the road are not important anymore.

Cagri Cankaya, a Turkish illustrator and graphic designer plans to package himself and travel to every city of the world. Unlike any traveller who quits job or drops out from school, or backpackers that selling out all possessions and belongings to travel around the world, Caca’s project “Designer on the road” is to exchange his design talents for funds to travel. It seems equipping oneself with a solid skill is a must-have for anyone who want to travel around:D

Caca would joining a local creative firm, such as design studio, advertising agency for 2-5 weeks when he travel to a new city, in return, he will get paid at a local salary standards to support his life there. Without and guidebook or expectation, Caca immersed into local life with a total open mind. His revolutionary work style and life philosophy made him under the spotlight wherever he been.Many organizations, schools and non-profit institutions, including TEDxAlsancak (a Turkish city) had invited him to give a speech to share the interesting things and stories he came along.

Since 2012, Caca has been travelled and worked in nearly 40 cities of 20 countries, whose footsteps has covered Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Thailand, India, Korea, Malaysia and Beijing of China. If you are expecting someone to bring cross-culture creative power to your firm for a short term, please don`t hesitate to contact this creative master:


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