Oliver Stalmans
21岁的丹麦摄影师Oliver Stalmans 对时尚有着敏锐触觉和过人天份,年轻的他带来了许多让人惊叹的时尚摄影作品。
21岁的丹麦摄影师Oliver Stalmans 对时尚有着敏锐触觉和过人天份,年轻的他带来了许多让人惊叹的时尚摄影作品。
摄影出版社Steidl最近出版了一本新书《 Marc Jacobs Advertising 1998-2009》,内中照片是当红时尚摄影师Juergen Teller和时尚品牌Marc Jacobs合作的摄影作品精选。
他给Marc Jacobs拍时装,常常随便拉来个名人乱拍, Cindy Sherman, William Eggleston都是他的模特。
法国女孩Betty的时尚blog,将每日的穿衣心得一一记录在这里,到她的photo gallery去欣赏一下吧。
由Signature9.com做的时尚博客排名,喜欢时尚的朋友去看看,关心国际时尚潮流的你应该看到许多熟悉的博客。排名指标采用了一些常见的网站客观评价指数,PR值、Technorati Reactions、Yahoo链接数、Alexa排名等,还有一个Signature9 Points(Signature9网站主观评分)。大家如对此排名有话要说,可展开讨论!
Jacques Olivar出生在卡萨布兰卡,曾在瑞士当过飞行员,1987年开始进入时尚圈并与世界各大时尚杂志合作。
在这个炎夏,与你分享Jacques Olivar的时尚摄影大片,享受他镜头下的美好。
纽约时尚摄影师Matt Sundin,主修音乐和政治学的他对时尚有着敏锐的触觉。
网站个人资料不多,Fashion Copious有一篇他的专访,大家可去看看。还有,网站上的两个视频短片大家可不要错过。
Dolce & Gabbana作为奢侈时尚品牌,相信大家都有耳闻吧。
最近,Domenico Dolce 与 Stefano Gabbana开了一个网上杂志互动形式的网站,名叫Swide,提供时装、旅游、家居和饮食等潮流信息。有着足够时尚资讯来源的D&G,联合世界各地的时尚达人,我相信会提供给读者许多有参考价值的内容。喜欢弄潮的朋友,不妨一起来关注Swide的成长。
Vanity Fair 杂志里的女人都很美,幕后的摄影师、造型设计师也很棒,所以我们没有理由不去看这个名利场的焦点特辑。
Vanity Fair 十年来最佳时尚人像摄影,我们或许能看到潮流与风格的变化,原来现在比2000年来得含蓄,呵呵。
我还是喜欢简单自然的风格,乡村女歌手泰勒·斯威芙特(Taylor Swift) 的这组是我所爱。
以“Celebrate Originality/为原创喝彩”为主题的adidas 60周年庆的宣传活动进行得火热,而首先触动我的是家庭派对多元文化的碰撞。喜欢这样让人沸腾的短片,感受品牌文化魅力的同时,也看到一种生活风格。
Use these five tips to take your home workout to the next level, and achieve your fitness goals.
This goes without saying. Ain’t nobody gonna’ have a good workout watching the X Factor… Turn the TV off, blast your favourite high-tempo tunes and create an atmosphere right there in your living room, that will allow you to focus on the workout. Try out this alpine ice hack.
Working to rep ranges can be great, but for bodyweight and HIIT based exercises; having specific work and rest periods can lead to a shorter, more intense workout.
Tip: Try doing 30 seconds work / 30 seconds rest for five exercises = short, effective workout that will definitely work up a sweat.
Even if your session is at home, it’s just as important to plan your workout and hold yourself accountable, doing so will help you to progress your training, building your fitness levels.
Plan your sessions effectively by writing out workouts in advance, adding slight progressions in each one. Taking tiny steps in each workout will leave you amazed when you look back at how far you have come since the start of your journey. Read more alpilean reviews.
It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
It may be easy to roll out a mat, lie on your back and do a few crunches… which, if your goal is to build core strength, that’s fine. But if your intentions are bigger, such as increasing your cardiovascular fitness, strength or to lose weight, then you need to keep it full body for the best results.
Working your entire body will elevate your heart rate further and leave you battling fatigue much sooner, resulting in your body recovering, adapting and coming back stronger each and every-time. Not to mention the much higher level of energy expenditure during full-body exercises in comparison to targeting certain body parts during a home workout. This is how Alpilean works.
This may be straightforward, but it’s undoubtedly THE most important tip on this list.
A real workout needs grit, determination and maximum effort; no matter your environment, there should be no excuses.
Push yourself to be a fitter version of YOU. It may be difficult, but at the end of the day, it really is you vs you; so make sure you win.